Source code for imphot.fitboth

from .mp import _FitPhotometryMP
from .fitimage import fit_image_photometry
from .fitstar import fit_star_photometry
from .core import (extract_function_args, UserError, _default_hst_fwhm,
from mpdaf.obj import Image

__all__ = ['fit_image_and_star_photometry', 'FitImageAndStarPhotometryMP']

[docs]def fit_image_and_star_photometry(hst, muse, star, regions="star", fix_scale=None, fix_bg=None, fix_dx=None, fix_dy=None, fix_fwhm=None, fix_beta=None, hst_fwhm=_default_hst_fwhm, hst_beta=_default_hst_beta, margin=2.0, segment=False, display=False, nowait=False, hardcopy=None, title=None, save=False, fig=None): """Given a MUSE image and an HST image that has been regridded and aligned onto the same coordinate grid as the MUSE image, use the HST image as a calibrated reference to fit for the flux-scale, the FWHM and beta parameter of a Moffat PSF, the position offset, and the background offset of the MUSE image relative to the HST image. The fit is performed two ways; first by calling `fit_image_photometry()`, then again by calling `fit_star_photometry()`. Both sets of results are returned. Parameters ---------- hst : `mpdaf.obj.Image` or filename An HST image of the same area as the MUSE image, and that has been gridded onto the same pixel grid as the MUSE image. This can be given as an MPDAF Image object, or by the filename of the FITS file. muse : `mpdaf.obj.Image` or filename The MUSE image to be characterized. This can be given as an MPDAF Image object, or by the filename of the FITS file. star : (float, float, float) This argument indicates the position of a single star within the MUSE image and the radius of a circular area of pixels around it that should be used in the fitting process by `fit_star_photometry()`. If the optional regions argument is set to the special string, "star", then the star's position and the associated radius are also passed to `fit_image_photometry()` to indicate that the image fit should also be restricted to the same circular area around the star. The value of the star argument is a tuple of the right ascension and declination of the star in decimal degrees, and the radius of the area over which to perform the fit, in arcseconds. regions : str or iterable or None This can be None, "none", or "", to indicate that no regions are needed in the global image fit, "star" to restrict the image fit to pixels within any region defined by the star=(ra,dec,radius) argument, "notstar" to restrict the image fit to pixels outside any region defined the by star=(ra,dec,radius) argument, the name of a filename of the ds9 region file, or an iterable that returns successive lines of a ds9 region file. These regions are passed to `fit_image_photometry()`. They can be used to exclude problematic areas of an image, or to exclude sources that would degrade the global PSF fit, such as saturated stars, stars with significant proper motion, and variable sources. Alternatively it can be used to restrict the fit to one or more objects by masking everything except small regions around these objects. In particular, if the value of the regions argument is "star", then the fit is restricted to the circular area specified by star argument. Only ds9 circle, ellipse and box regions are supported. Other region types and most of the configuration parameters found in ds9 region files, are simply ignored. For each region, be careful to tell ds9 whether you want the region to be included or excluded. Also be careful to request either fk5 or physical pixel coordinates, because other coordinate systems are not supported. fix_scale : float or None The calibration scale factor, (MUSE_flux / HST_flux) is fixed to the specified value while fitting, unless the value is None. This parameter affects the image fit but not the star-profile fit. fix_bg : float or None The calibration zero-offset, (MUSE_flux - HST_flux) is fixed to the specified value while fitting, unless the value is None. This parameter affects the image fit but not the star-profile fit. fix_dx : float or None The x-axis pointing offset, (MUSE_x - HST_x) is fixed to the specified value while fitting, unless the value is None. This parameter affects the image fit but not the star-profile fit. fix_dy : float or None The y-axis pointing offset, (MUSE_y - HST_y) is fixed to the specified value while fitting, unless the value is None. This parameter affects the image fit but not the star-profile fit. fix_fwhm : float or None The FWHM of the Moffat PSF is fixed to the specified value while fitting, unless the value is None. This parameter affects both the image fit and the FWHM of the star profile that is fit to the MUSE image. fix_beta : float or None The beta exponent of the Moffat PSF is fixed to the specified value while fitting, unless the value is None. This parameter affects both the image fit and the beta parameter of the star profile that is fit to the MUSE image. hst_fwhm : float The FWHM of a Moffat model of the effective PSF of the HST. The default value that is used if this parameter is not specified, came from Moffat fits to stars within HST UDF images. To obtain the closest estimate to the dithered instrumental PSF, these fits were made to images with the smallest available pixel size (30mas). hst_beta : float The beta parameter of a Moffat model of the effective PSF of the HST. The default value that is used if this parameter is not specified, came from Moffat fits to stars within HST UDF images, as described above for the hst_fwhm parameter. margin : float The width (arcsec) of a margin of zeros to add around the image before processing. A margin is needed because most of the processing is performed using discrete Fourier transforms, which are periodic in the width of the image. Without a margin, features at one edge of the image would spill over to the opposite edge of the image when a position shift was applied, or when features were widened by convolving them with a larger PSF. The margin width should be the maximum of the largest expected position error between the two input images, and the largest expected PSF width. segment : bool If True, ignore areas that don't contain significant objects by ignoring pixels that are below the median value in a morphologically opened version of the HST image. display : bool If True (the default), display the plot. hardcopy : str or None If this is a non-empty string, then it should contain a graphics file suffix supported by matplotlib, such as "pdf", "jpg", "png" or "eps". Plots of the fits will be written to filenames that start with the name of the MUSE input file, after removing any .fits suffix, followed by "_image_fit.<suffix>" for the plot of the image fit, and "_star_fit.<suffix>" for the plots of the star fits. nowait : bool When this argument is False, wait for the user to dismiss the plot before returning. This allows the user to interact with the plot. When this argument is True, the plot will dissapear as soon as another plot is drawn and the user will not be able to interact with it. title : str or None A specific plot title, or None to request the default title. Specify "" if no title is wanted. save : bool If True, save the result images of each input image to FITS files. Returns ------- out : (`FittedImagePhotometry`, `FittedStarPhotometry`) An object that contains the fitted parameters from both `fit_image_photometry()` and `fit_star_photometry()`. """ # If needed read the FITS files into MPDAF Image objects. try: if isinstance(hst, str): hst = Image(hst) except Exception as e: raise UserError("Error reading HST file (%s)" % e.message) try: if isinstance(muse, str): muse = Image(muse) except Exception as e: raise UserError("Error reading MUSE file (%s)" % e.message) # Check the star argument. try: ra, dec, radius = star except Exception: raise UserError("The star argument should be a tuple of (ra,dec,radius)") if radius <= 0.0: raise UserError("The radius given to the star argument must be > 0") # Perform the image fit. image_results = fit_image_photometry(hst, muse, regions=regions, fix_scale=fix_scale, fix_bg=fix_bg, fix_dx=fix_dx, fix_dy=fix_dy, fix_fwhm=fix_fwhm, fix_beta=fix_beta, hst_fwhm=hst_fwhm, hst_beta=hst_beta, margin=margin, segment=segment, display=display, nowait=nowait, hardcopy=hardcopy, title=title, star=star, save=save, fig=fig) # Perform the star fit. star_results = fit_star_photometry(hst, muse, star, fix_fwhm=fix_fwhm, fix_beta=fix_beta, display=display, nowait=nowait, hardcopy=hardcopy, title=title, fig=fig) return (image_results, star_results)
[docs]class FitImageAndStarPhotometryMP(_FitPhotometryMP): """A multiprocessing iterator that creates a pool or worker processes to repeatedly call `fit_image_and_star_photometry()` for each of a list of MUSE files, returning successive results from `fit_image_and_star_photometry()` via the iterator, as they become available. Parameters ---------- hst_filename : str The name of a FITS fie that contains an HST has the same coordinate grid as the MUSE image FITS files that are to be processed. muse_filenames : list of str A list of filenames of the FITS files of the MUSE images that are to be processed. These must all be of the same field, with the same image coordinate grid as the HST file. kwargs : dict A dictionary of keyword/value arguments to be passed to fit_image_and_star_photometry(). nworker : int The number of worker processes to use. The default is 0, which creates multiprocessing.cpu_count() processes. Alternatively, if a negative number, -n, is specified, then max(multiprocessing.cpu_count()-n,1) processes are created. """ def __init__(self, hst_filename, muse_filenames, kwargs, nworker=0): # Ensure that kwargs contains the mandatory star argument, # and that it contains the expected fields. if "star" not in kwargs: raise UserError("Missing argument: star=(ra,dec,radius)") try: ra, dec, radius = kwargs["star"] except Exception: raise UserError("The star argument should be a tuple of (ra,dec,radius)") if radius <= 0.0: raise UserError("The radius given to the star argument must be > 0") # Instantiate the parent _FitPhotometryMP object. super(FitImageAndStarPhotometryMP, self).__init__( hst_filename, muse_filenames, cmd_fn=fit_image_and_star_photometry, cmd_kwargs=kwargs, nworker=nworker)
[docs] def next(self): """Return the results from the next image in the list of input MUSE images. Returns ------- out : `FittedStarPhotometry` The fitting results from the next image. """ return super(FitImageAndStarPhotometryMP, self).next()