Source code for imphot.programs

import sys
from os.path import basename
import argparse
import astropy.units as u
from import fits
import numpy as np
import re
from textwrap import dedent
from mpdaf.obj import (Image, Cube)
from .core import *
from .fitimage import *
from .fitstar import *
from .fitboth import *
from .makeimage import *

__all__ = ['fit_photometry_main', 'regrid_hst_to_muse_main',

# Create the main function of the fit_photometry program.

[docs]def fit_photometry_main(): """This is the main function of the fit_photometry script. It attempts to determine the photometry characteristics of a MUSE image via comparisons with an HST image, according to arguments passed by the user. """ parser = ImphotArgumentParser(FIT_BOTH) # Add optional arguments for selecting how much is printed for each # result. parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help=dedent('''\ Report details of each fit, including chi-squared, correlations, etc. Normally only summaries of the fitted parameters are displayed.''')) # Add mandatory arguments for the HST image and the MUSE images. parser.add_argument('hst_image', help=dedent('''\ The name of the FITS file containing the reference HST image. This must have been decimated and resampled onto the same coordinate grid as the MUSE images. The HST bandpass filter used to obtain this image should match the bandpass of the MUSE images as closely as possible. Note that the `regrid_hst_to_muse` script or the `mpdaf.obj.Image.align_with_image()` function can be used create a subimage of an HST image that has the same coordinate grid as a MUSE image.''')) parser.add_argument('muse_images', nargs="+", help=dedent('''\ One or more FITS files containing MUSE images. These should all be images of the same field and bandpass as the HST image named by the --hst argument. Note that the `make_wideband_image` script or the `mpdaf.obj.Cube.bandpass_image()` can be used to extract an image of a given HST bandpass from a MUSE cube.''')) # Parse the command-line options. Note that this will abort # the program if any argument errors are detected. options = parser.parse_args() # Extract a dictionary of the keyword/value arguments that are # specific to fit_image_photometry(). image_kwargs = extract_function_args(options, fit_image_photometry) # If the --star option has been specified, also extract a dictionary of # the keyword/value arguments that are specific to fit_image_photometry(). if is not None: star_kwargs = extract_function_args(options, fit_star_photometry) else: star_kwargs = None # True for the first reported line. first = True # Catch keyboard interrupts and user input errors. try: # If there is only one MUSE image to be processed, perform the # job inline. if len(options.muse_images) == 1: # If no star fit has been requested, just perform # an image fit. if is None: kwargs = extract_function_args(options, fit_image_photometry) imfit = fit_image_photometry(options.hst_image, options.muse_images[0], **kwargs) _report_results(imfit, True, options) # If a star fit has been requested, perform both the # image and the star fits. else: kwargs = extract_function_args(options, fit_image_and_star_photometry) (imfit, starfit) = fit_image_and_star_photometry( options.hst_image, options.muse_images[0], **kwargs) _report_results(imfit, True, options) _report_results(starfit, False, options) # When processing more than one MUSE image, use multiple processes. # Start with the case where we only want image photometry fits. elif is None: # Get the subset of arguments for fit_image_photometry(). kwargs = extract_function_args(options, fit_image_photometry) # Use a multiprocessing iterator for the image fitting procedure. with FitImagePhotometryMP(options.hst_image, options.muse_images, kwargs, nworker=0) as image_iterator: # Iterate over the fits of each of the input files. for imfit in image_iterator: _report_results(imfit, first, options) first = False # Now handle the case where both image and star photometry fits # have been requested. else: # Get the subset of arguments for fit_image_and_star_photometry(). kwargs = extract_function_args(options, fit_image_and_star_photometry) with FitImageAndStarPhotometryMP(options.hst_image, options.muse_images, kwargs, nworker=0) as dual_iterator: # Iterate over fits to each of the input files. for imfit, starfit in dual_iterator: _report_results(imfit, first, options) first = False _report_results(starfit, first, options) # For errors found in the input data, simply report the error # then abort. except UserError as e: print(e) exit(1) # If somebody deliberately kills the program, just abort the # program without displaying a traceback. except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(1)
def _report_results(results, showheader, options): if options.verbose: print(results) print(results.summary(header=showheader)) # Create the main function of the regrid_hst_to_muse script.
[docs]def regrid_hst_to_muse_main(): """This is the main function of the regrid_hst_to_muse script. Given a MUSE image or MUSE cube and one or more HST images with 30mas pixels, it resamples the HST images onto the pixel grid of the MUSE image, and scales their flux units from electrons/s to the flux units of the MUSE image (usually 1e-20 erg/cm^2/s/Angstrom). """ try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--quiet', action='store_true', help=''' Suppress the messages that report each step as it is performed.''') parser.add_argument('--field', nargs='?', default="", metavar="name", help=''' When this option used, it specifies a field name to use in the output filename instead of using the input filename. The output files are called hst_<filter>_for_<field>.fits, where <filter> is the name of the filter taken from the header of the HST FITS file, and <field> is either the basename of the MUSE input file (minus its .fits extension), or the value of this optional parameter.''') # Add mandatory arguments for the MUSE image and the HST images. parser.add_argument('muse_image', help=''' The filename of a template MUSE image or MUSE cube in FITS format. ''') parser.add_argument('hst_images', nargs="+", help=''' The filenames of one or more HST images with 30mas pixels. ''') # Parse the command-line options. Note that this will abort # the program if any argument errors are detected. options = parser.parse_args() # Read the MUSE image or MUSE cube. try: if not options.quiet: print("Reading MUSE image: %s" % options.muse_image) try: muse = Image(options.muse_image) if muse.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Invalid image dimensions") except: muse = Cube(options.muse_image) if muse.ndim != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid cube dimensions") except Exception as e: print("Error reading: %s (%s)" % (options.muse_image, e), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # Process the HST images sequentially. for hst_image in options.hst_images: # Read the HST FITS file. try: if not options.quiet: print("Reading HST image: %s" % hst_image) # If there is no DATA or SCI extension, MPDAF will # refuse to read the file unless it is told which # extension to read. Tell it to read the primary data # array in this case. hdulist = ext = None if ('DATA' in hdulist or 'SCI' in hdulist) else 0 del hdulist # Read the HST image. hst = Image(hst_image, ext=ext) except Exception as e: print("Error reading: %s (%s)" % (hst_image, e), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # Get the name of the HST filter. filter_name = HstFilterInfo(hst).filter_name.upper() # Resample the HST image onto the coordinate grid of the MUSE image. if not options.quiet: print("Resampling the HST image onto the MUSE pixel grid.") regrid_hst_like_muse(hst, muse, inplace=True) # Rescale the HST image to have the same units as the MUSE image. if not options.quiet: print("Changing the flux units of the HST image to match the MUSE image") rescale_hst_like_muse(hst, muse, inplace=True) # Compose the name of the output file. if options.field != "": field = options.field else: field = basename(muse.filename).replace(".fits", "") output = "hst_" + filter_name + "_for_" + field + ".fits" # Write the output file. if not options.quiet: print("Writing the output file: %s" % output) hst.write(output, savemask="dq") # For errors found in the input data, simply report the error # then abort. except UserError as e: print(e) exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(1)
# Create the main function of the make_wideband_image script.
[docs]def make_wideband_image_main(): """This is the main function of the make_wideband_image script. Given a MUSE cube and the wavelength sensitivity curve of a monochromatic camera, extract an image from the cube that has the same wavelength sensitivity curve as the camera. """ try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--prefix', nargs='?', default="", metavar="output-prefix", help=''' When this option used, it specifies a prefix to use when constructing the names of the output FITS files. The output files are then named, "<prefix>_<input_name>", where <prefix> is the specified string, and <input_name> is the base-name of the input cube, but with the first instance of either, "datacube" or "cube", replaced with "image". When this option is omitted, the prefix defaults to the base-name of the filter file.''') parser.add_argument('--quiet', action='store_true', help=''' Suppress the messages that report each step as it is performed.''') parser.add_argument('--wave_units', nargs='?', default=u.angstrom, metavar="wavelength-units", type=u.Unit, help='''DEFAULT=%(default)s. The units of the wavelengths in the file of sensitivity versus wavelength. If this option is not specified, angstroms are assumed.''') parser.add_argument('--nprocess', nargs='?', default=0, metavar="number-of-processes", type=int, help='''DEFAULT=%(default)s. The number of worker processes to use. The default is 0, which creates one process per CPU. Alternatively, if a negative number, -n, is specified, then max(ncpu - n,1) processes are created, where ncpu is the number of available CPUs. To prevent the use of any worker processes, pass 1 to this argument, and the computation will be performed entirely within the current process.''') # Add mandatory arguments for the MUSE image and the HST images. parser.add_argument('filter_curve', help=''' The filename of the wavelength sensitivity curve of the camera. The file should be a text file with two columns of numbers. The first column are the filter- curve wavelengths, and the second are the corresponding sensitivities, which should be unit-less. The sensitivities will be normalized by the area under the sensitivity curve, so only their relative values are important. ''') parser.add_argument('muse_cubes', nargs="+", help='''The filenames of a MUSE cubes to be processed.''') # Parse the command-line options. Note that this will abort # the program if any argument errors are detected. options = parser.parse_args() # Read the filter response curve. try: if not options.quiet: print("Reading filter: %s" % options.filter_curve) curve = np.loadtxt(options.filter_curve, usecols=(0, 1)) except Exception as e: print("Error reading: %s (%s)" % (options.filter_curve, e), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # Get the prefix to use for the output files. if options.prefix != "": prefix = options.prefix else: prefix = basename(options.filter_curve).split('.')[0] # Process the cubes sequentially. for muse_cube in options.muse_cubes: # Read the cube. try: if not options.quiet: print("Reading cube: %s" % muse_cube) cube = Cube(muse_cube) except Exception as e: print("Error reading: %s (%s)" % (muse_cube, e), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # Compute the output image. if not options.quiet: print("Computing the output image.") image = bandpass_image(cube, curve[:, 0], curve[:, 1], unit_wave=options.wave_units, nprocess=options.nprocess) # Get the input filename. name = basename(muse_cube) # Perform a case-insensitive search for the first occurrence of # the word "datacube", or "cube" m ='(data)?cube', name, re.IGNORECASE) # If a match was found, replace it with the word "image", # using the case of the first letter of the match. if m: r = "IMAGE" if[0].isupper() else "image" name = name.replace(, r, 1) # Create the filename of the output file. output = prefix + '_' + name # Save the resulting image. if not options.quiet: print("Writing image to: %s" % output) image.write(output, savemask="dq") # For errors found in the input data, simply report the error # then abort. except UserError as e: print(e) exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(1)